I would like to identify the three highest-paid waitresses in terms of "total compensation" in each hotel-year. I also would like to keep such three waitresses only with other receptionists. Note that, in some cases, the third and fourth highest-paid waitresses have the exact same compensation. In such a case, I would like to keep the one with the highest "base salary". if both have the exact base salary and total compensation, I would like to keep either one of them. Also, I would like to ignore observations with missing compensation data.
I am new to Stata and I would like the simplest way to do it. Thanks in advance.
ssc install dataex clear input int year str6 staff_id str5 hotel_id byte(waitress receptionist) str6 base_salary str6 total_compensation 2009 "124665" "23453" 1 0 40 112 2009 "455543" "23453" 0 1 60 111 2009 "334532" "23453" 1 0 55 222 2009 "888976" "23453" 1 0 80 90 2009 "903454" "23453" 1 0 88 90 2009 "457888" "23453" 1 0 . 90 2010 "124665" "23453" 1 0 53 90 2010 "455543" "23453" 0 1 45 88 2010 "334532" "23453" 1 0 33 79 2010 "556333" "23453" 1 0 60 60 2010 "299211" "23453" 1 0 60 60 2010 "235987" "23453" 1 0 60 . 2011 "124665" "23453" 1 0 40 67 2011 "877776" "23453" 0 1 34 89 2011 "666755" "23453" 1 0 12 99 2011 "556333" "23453" 1 0 50 66 2011 "563222" "23453" 1 0 50 66 2011 "967656" "23453" 1 0 50 66 2011 "343434" "23453" 1 0 13 . end
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