I am working with data where I need to make a variable "REQUIRED".

I have ID, time and Sentiment as variables. Now Based on the first value of the sentiment for each ID, I want to see when sentiment increased by at least by 0.25 or 25% compared to the first value of sentiment for each ID. So, as soon as the sentiment increases by 0.25 or 25%, the "required" variable should give me 1, otherwise, it should give me a missing value.

Now the tricky part is that I need to know when the increase first occurred by 0.25 or 25%. So, when the increase happens, it gives me a value of 1 in "required" variable, otherwise, 0.

For example, for ID 1, the value of sentiment at time 5 and 6 is 1.25 and 1.4 respectively, Although the sentiment increased in both instances, I am only interested to find the First increase.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(id time) double sentiment byte required
1  1    1 .
1  2    1 .
1  3  1.2 .
1  4 1.22 .
1  5 1.25 1
1  6  1.4 .
1  7  1.2 .
1  8  1.3 .
1  9  1.4 .
1 10  1.2 .
2  1  1.2 .
2  2   .9 .
2  3    . .
2  4   .8 .
2  5  .95 .
2  6    1 .
2  7  1.5 1
2  8  1.2 .
2  9  1.3 .
2 10   .7 .

I have made a simple code but I am not sure about its reliability for more than 50,000 IDs and more than 10 million obs. Plus it looks very messy.

generate a = sentiment if time == 1 // this generates the first value of sentiment
bysort id: replace a = a[_n-1] if a ==. // now the first value of sentiment is carried forward to populate "a"
generate b = sentiment - a // this will let me know if the value is greater than 0.25 or not. 
generate c = 1 if b >= 0.25 & !missing(sentiment) // This will generate value of 1 if "b" is equal to or greater than 0.25. Furthermore, it will ignore any missing value in the original sentiment
// QUESTION: for "c" is there any way to find the increase by lets say 25%? not by a specific number like 0.25?

by id (time), sort: gen d = sum(c) // this will sum my non missing values
by id: gen e = d if d == 1  & d[_n - 1] != d // this will give me answer of 1 for my first occurence
Any help would be greatly appreciated.