
I have a question about how to do loop in Stata. Say, I have 1000 obs with id from 1 to 1000, and now I want to divide them into 50 groups and assign a group id (gid) from 1 to 50. I can do this by typing:

replace gid = 1 if id<=20
replace gid = 2 if id>20 & id<=40
replace gid = 3 if id>40 & id<=60
replace gid = 4 if id>60 & id<=80
replace gid = 5 if id>80 & id<=100
replace gid = 6 if id>100 & id<=120
replace gid = 50 id id>800 & id<=1000

This works, but there will be too much typing. Can anyone help me to write a short loop program to achieve this? Thanks in advance.