I succeed to run these 6 regressions. The first 3 regressions are OLS and the last 3 columns are OLS + fixed effects.
quietly regress _contritotal afterblock age age2, vce(robust)
quietly regress _contriaddition afterblock age age2, vce(robust)
quietly regress _contrideletion afterblock age age2, vce(robust)
xtset id week
quietly xtreg _contritotal afterblock age age2, vce(robust) fe
quietly xtreg _contriaddition afterblock age age2, vce(robust) fe
quietly xtreg _contrideletion afterblock age age2, vce(robust) fe
Then how should I do next? I use LaTeX and I need to generate a table in Stata by using -esttab- or -estout- (I don't know which one I should use.) I first tried to use -esttab-, but it seems -esttab- doesn't have too much flexibility to generate an exact same table. Thus, I turn to use -estout-, but I haven't figure it out. I'm curious how researchers here generate a publication-quality table like this? Do you design all stuff including everything in Stata? Or you just generate numbers in Stata and do other jobs (e.g., decorating a table) in LaTeX?
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