After estimating two regression models I want to report them in one table. I am using esttab but unable to sort it out.

Actually, this is what I am doing. Suppose I want to do a separate regression for domestic and foreign cars as follows
sysuse auto
eststo:reg price rep78 mpg if foreign==1
eststo:reg price rep78 mpg if foreign==0
eststo:reg weight rep78 mpg if foreign==1
eststo:reg weight rep78 mpg if foreign==0
esttab using priceTable.rtf, se r keep (rep78)
Then Stata gives me the following table.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
price price weight weight
rep78 871.4 330.4 257.1** 54.94
(581.4) (494.8) (73.56) (61.45)
N 21 48 21 48
But my desired table is below one, which I get after some work using the word.

(1) (2)
price weight
Foreign Cars
rep78 871.4 257.1**
(581.4) (73.56)
N 21 21
Domestic Cars
Rep78 330.4 54.94
(494.8) (61.45)
N 48 48
Standard errors in parentheses
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Could you help me on how I can get the second table directly from stata?

Thank you!