
I was checking my model for heteroscedasticity, and weird enough, I found a different outcome for the white test and the breusch pagan test. In my opinion, his is rather uncommon. Can anyone clarify what happened here and how I should interpret this ambiguous result?

. regress pctchangecarbonintensity firmsize profitability leverage age capitalintensity CAPEX K
> Zindex elektricitygenerator Carbonleakage industry10 industry11 industry13 industry16 industr
> y17 industry19 industry20 industry21 industry22 industry23 industry24 industry25 industry28 i
> ndustry29 industry30 industry35 industry42 industry46 industry47 industry49 industry52 indust
> ry63 industry70 industry72 industry81 WestFlanders Hainaut Antwerp Brussels FlemishBrabant Li
> mbourg Liege Namur WalloonBrabant Luxembourg SME  publicfirm
note: industry35 omitted because of collinearity

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =       158
-------------+----------------------------------   F(45, 112)      =      2.18
       Model |  6.68837838        45  .148630631   Prob > F        =    0.0005
    Residual |  7.65031799       112  .068306411   R-squared       =    0.4665
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.2521
       Total |  14.3386964       157  .091329276   Root MSE        =    .26135

pctchangecarbonint~y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
            firmsize |  -.0578393   .0305485    -1.89   0.061    -.1183671    .0026886
       profitability |   1.054629   .8352151     1.26   0.209    -.6002422    2.709501
            leverage |   .2631442   .1145173     2.30   0.023     .0362428    .4900456
                 age |  -.0020298   .0010979    -1.85   0.067    -.0042052    .0001456
    capitalintensity |   .0978578   .1462035     0.67   0.505    -.1918257    .3875413
               CAPEX |   .4342122   .4407499     0.99   0.327    -.4390773    1.307502
             KZindex |  -.0204969   .0200661    -1.02   0.309    -.0602553    .0192616
elektricitygenerator |  -.0338193   .2002871    -0.17   0.866    -.4306626    .3630239
       Carbonleakage |   .0798621   .0586428     1.36   0.176     -.036331    .1960553
          industry10 |  -.1052642   .1502458    -0.70   0.485     -.402957    .1924285
          industry11 |  -.4417411   .2124938    -2.08   0.040    -.8627704   -.0207118
          industry13 |   -.265114   .1980213    -1.34   0.183    -.6574678    .1272399
          industry16 |  -.4443672   .2416625    -1.84   0.069    -.9231906    .0344561
          industry17 |  -.1755922   .1746796    -1.01   0.317    -.5216974     .170513
          industry19 |  -.1436712    .186829    -0.77   0.444     -.513849    .2265066
          industry20 |  -.2736145   .1463656    -1.87   0.064    -.5636192    .0163902
          industry21 |  -.5619068   .2067879    -2.72   0.008    -.9716306    -.152183
          industry22 |  -.1453423   .1910228    -0.76   0.448    -.5238295     .233145
          industry23 |  -.3403978   .1449636    -2.35   0.021    -.6276246   -.0531711
          industry24 |   -.307153   .1580007    -1.94   0.054    -.6202112    .0059052
          industry25 |  -.3261937   .2527531    -1.29   0.200    -.8269916    .1746042
          industry28 |  -.2751739   .3498472    -0.79   0.433    -.9683514    .4180036
          industry29 |   -.397056   .2400379    -1.65   0.101    -.8726604    .0785485
          industry30 |  -.6808144   .3052009    -2.23   0.028    -1.285531    -.076098
          industry35 |          0  (omitted)
          industry42 |  -.4649284   .1828208    -2.54   0.012    -.8271643   -.1026925
          industry46 |  -.3612973   .1671831    -2.16   0.033    -.6925492   -.0300455
          industry47 |  -.0231291   .3071088    -0.08   0.940    -.6316258    .5853676
          industry49 |  -.8118249   .2569667    -3.16   0.002    -1.320972   -.3026783
          industry52 |  -.3575171    .203461    -1.76   0.082    -.7606489    .0456147
          industry63 |    .412111   .3246491     1.27   0.207    -.2311395    1.055362
          industry70 |  -.3135855   .3382127    -0.93   0.356    -.9837105    .3565396
          industry72 |  -.7072208   .3071434    -2.30   0.023    -1.315786   -.0986554
          industry81 |  -.7269726   .3101123    -2.34   0.021     -1.34142   -.1125248
        WestFlanders |   .0873493   .1001563     0.87   0.385    -.1110974    .2857961
             Hainaut |   .1618636   .0947142     1.71   0.090    -.0258004    .3495275
             Antwerp |   .1570501   .0803885     1.95   0.053    -.0022294    .3163296
            Brussels |   .3587464   .1021681     3.51   0.001     .1563133    .5611794
      FlemishBrabant |   .0328263   .1434051     0.23   0.819    -.2513124     .316965
            Limbourg |   .0628833   .0888941     0.71   0.481     -.113249    .2390156
               Liege |   .1947639   .1069939     1.82   0.071    -.0172307    .4067585
               Namur |   .1066969   .3108182     0.34   0.732    -.5091495    .7225434
      WalloonBrabant |   .3392022   .1466473     2.31   0.023     .0486394    .6297649
          Luxembourg |   .1204264   .1682968     0.72   0.476    -.2130322     .453885
                 SME |  -.2160014   .0870929    -2.48   0.015    -.3885649   -.0434379
          publicfirm |   .1041803   .1565156     0.67   0.507    -.2059354    .4142959
               _cons |   1.076628   .6076935     1.77   0.079    -.1274386    2.280695

end of do-file

. estat imtest, white

White's test for Ho: homoskedasticity
         against Ha: unrestricted heteroskedasticity

         chi2(157)    =    158.00
         Prob > chi2  =    0.4626

Cameron & Trivedi's decomposition of IM-test

              Source |       chi2     df      p
  Heteroskedasticity |     158.00    157    0.4626
            Skewness |      28.06     45    0.9775
            Kurtosis |       1.27      1    0.2592
               Total |     187.33    203    0.7779

. estat hettest

Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg test for heteroskedasticity 
         Ho: Constant variance
         Variables: fitted values of pctchangecarbonintensity

         chi2(1)      =    10.03
         Prob > chi2  =   0.0015
kind regards,
Timea De Wispelaere