Dear Statalist:

I got the following data set:
Date Status AB CD EF
14-Mar-20 Low 81 3 7
14-Mar-20 Med 9 1 3
14-Mar-20 High 2 2 1
15-Mar-20 Low 27 8 6
15-Mar-20 Med 4 6 1
15-Mar-20 High 0 2 0
and need to convert it to the following form.
Date State Low Med High
14-Mar-20 AB 81 9 2
15-Mar-20 AB 27 4 0
14-Mar-20 CD 3 1 2
15-Mar-20 CD 8 6 2
14-Mar-20 EF 7 3 1
15-Mar-20 EF 6 1 0
The normal reshape wide/long commands I tried somehow doesn't yield the results I want. Can someone help?
