Good evening,

In the last two days I'm dealing with "Cumulative incidence estimation in the presence of competing risks", but I'm having a hard time figuring it out.

I found some codes in STATA but still, I have some problems with the interpretation of the data.

-stset timecompetingAGVHD, f( statuscompetingAGVHD==1) scale(1)
- stcompet CIF1 = ci , compet1(2) compet2(3)

statuscompetingAGVHD AGVHD status competing

type: numeric (byte)
label: statuscompetingAGVHD

range: [1,3] units: 1
unique values: 3 missing .: 0/99

tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label
22 1 AGVHD
7 2 Death
70 3 None

It's a population of children underwent a transplant. I need to calculate the incidence of some complication but we have to deal with patients who died before the event could even happen.

- So if I do the straight % is not correct data. In theory, I should exclude (censored?) those who died before the end of the follow-up time, is that correct? Or do I have to exclude those who did not have any event?

- If I did something correct with the codes, at the end, I still do not understand how to interpret them, because STATA gives me a value of cumulative incidence per single patient, but I want the overall cumulative incidence or by group.

Thanks in advance for your help.
