Dear Statalist users,

I am estimating a Correlated RE Ordered Probit model in a panel context, which I set as:
 xtset pid wave
where pid is the id of the observed individuals over a panel 18 waves.

This is the model I am estimating:
     foreach var of varlist JobS_prompro JobS_totpay JobS_relboss JobS_security JobS_initiative JobS_workits JobS_hourswork{
            bysort pid: egen Mean2`var' = mean(`var')
    xtoprobit JobS_overall JobS_prompro JobS_totpay JobS_relboss JobS_security JobS_initiative JobS_workits JobS_hourswork ///
         Mean2*, i(pid)
Can someone please tell me what the i(pid) option is doing?

Thank you very much!
