
I have a do-file that generates a very large number of plots in a systematic fashion (say 100+), kind of like here:

sysuse auto, clear

foreach x of varlist price rep78 headroom trunk weight length turn {
  twoway scatter mpg `x', name(fig_`x', replace)
After generating all these graphs, I look at them and combine a number of them (in the dozens) to use them as figures in my report:

graph combine fig_price fig_length, col(2) name(fig1, replace)
The problem with this figure is of course that the two panels of the figure aren't labeled, what I would want to have is something like:

twoway scatter mpg price, name(fig_price, replace) title(A, justification(left) bexpand) nodraw
twoway scatter mpg length, name(fig_length, replace) title(B, justification(left) bexpand) nodraw
graph combine fig_price fig_length, col(2) name(fig1_fixed, replace)
But making the plots anew doesn't strike me as optimal.

My question now is: Is there a way to add this title() to the graphs already in memory? I have a feeling that there might be a way to do it with gr_edit, but I don't know where to find that out.

Thank you so much