Dear All,

I have a question on the presentation, entitled "Handling missing data in Stata: imputation and likelihood based approaches", which I found here. Here are my two questions:
  1. on slide #18 it is suggested that one could use mi impute mvn also for categorical variables (Lee and Carlin, 2010). Could you please suggest the Stata command for doing that for the example discussed in the slide?
  2. also, is it possible to run FIML estimation in Stata with categorical variables?
Currently I do research where I have missing data and many of them are for categorical variables. I used mi impute chained command, but the convergence is not achieved (smth. I learnt is observed quite often). Thus, I decided to proceed with alternative approaches (especially after reading Lee and Carlin, 2010) and I would highly appreciate if you could help!

Thank you in advance.
