Hello stata users,
I'm a student in my thesis, and I have to construct a food security indicator based on principal component analysis on stata.
Food security has 4 dimensions:
Therefore, I chose I chose an indicator for each dimension of food security:
-To measure availability, I chose the variable food availability, which takes into account the availability of food in sufficient quantity and of appropriate quality.
-To measure access, I chose the Gross domestic product per capita (in purchasing power equivalent).
-To measure utilization, I chose the variable people using at least basic health services).
-To measure dietary stability, I chose the variable variability of food production per capita.
I have two questions:
1) Should I choose only one variable for each dimension or would it be better to choose if possible two or more variables for each dimension of food security to do the principal component analysis?
2) How is principal component analysis done on stata? I.e. the controls to be used and the process.
Please help me.

Yours sincerely