I am running xtgee to assess the association between change in heart dimension (pch_rveda) and time from enrollment (tfe) expecting that the heart will get bigger as time goes by. I like to plot this linear association (test for nonlinearity was not significant) between rveda and tfe using the numbers from adjusted model. I cannot find any command that would do that and my search here was not successful. I apologize if this is very simple question but I have not done this before. I use Stata/SE 16.0.

Thank you

. dataex newid date pch_rveda rveda blrveda blage gender racecat site tfe

----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte newid int date float pch_rveda double rveda float(blrveda blage) byte gender float(racecat site tfe)
1 17195          . 18.89 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1         0
1 17391          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  .5366192
1 17643          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1 1.2265568
1 18077          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1 2.4147854
1 18281          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  2.973307
1 18465  1.9057735 19.25 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  3.477068
1 18742          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1 4.2354527
1 18854   23.55744 23.34 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1 4.5420933
1 18938          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  4.772074
1 19026          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  5.013002
1 19246          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  5.615332
1 19260          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  5.653662
1 19285  17.151936 22.13 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  5.722109
1 19296          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  5.752222
1 19297          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  5.754961
1 19428          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  6.113619
1 19456          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  6.190279
1 19457  11.964005 21.15 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  6.193018
1 19486          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  6.272417
1 19501          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  6.313482
1 19590          .     . 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  6.557154
1 20177   23.92801 23.41 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1   8.16427
1 21108   3.229225  19.5 18.89 31.712526 1 0 1  10.71321
2 18018          . 22.46 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1         0
2 18037          .     . 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1 .05201912
2 18038          .     . 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1 .05475807
2 18455          .     . 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1 1.1964417
2 18770          .     . 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1 2.0588646
2 19303  13.357084 25.46 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1  3.518139
2 19470          .     . 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1  3.975359
2 20079   19.41229 26.82 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1   5.64271
2 20478  23.152275 27.66 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1  6.735113
2 20541          .     . 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1  6.907598
2 21073          .     . 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1  8.364134
2 21227  28.361536 28.83 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1  8.785763
2 21738   20.21372    27 22.46  23.22245 1 0 1 10.184807
3 15985          . 46.81 46.81   57.1499 2 0 1         0
3 17867          .     . 46.81   57.1499 2 0 1  5.152634
3 18044  -7.199319 43.44 46.81   57.1499 2 0 1  5.637234
3 18045          .     . 46.81   57.1499 2 0 1  5.639973
3 18047          .     . 46.81   57.1499 2 0 1  5.645447
3 18051          .     . 46.81   57.1499 2 0 1  5.656399
3 18154          .     . 46.81   57.1499 2 0 1  5.938396
3 19170          .     . 46.81   57.1499 2 0 1  8.720051
3 19288          .     . 46.81   57.1499 2 0 1  9.043118
3 19928  16.513561 54.54 46.81   57.1499 2 0 1 10.795345
4 18324          . 30.96 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1         0
4 18358          .     . 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1 .09308624
4 18368          .     . 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1 .12046432
4 18784 -18.023252 25.38 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1  1.259411
4 19421  -4.877258 29.45 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1  3.003422
4 19960 -12.855294 26.98 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1  4.479122
4 20576          .     . 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1  6.165638
4 20583  1.1627936 31.32 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1  6.184803
4 20703          .     . 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1  6.513348
4 20898          .     . 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1  7.047226
4 21112          .     . 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1  7.633125
4 21143          .     . 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1  7.717999
4 21507          .     . 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1  8.714577
4 21627          .     . 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1  9.043121
4 21636  -7.073641 28.77 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1   9.06776
4 21693          .     . 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1   9.22382
4 21747          .     . 30.96  44.72279 2 0 1  9.371662
5 17801          . 33.87 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1         0
5 18007          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1 .56399727
5 18350          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1 1.5030804
5 18508   -7.82403 31.22 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1 1.9356613
5 18700          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1 2.4613285
5 18921          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  3.066393
5 19015          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1 3.3237514
5 19106          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  3.572897
5 19227          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  3.904177
5 19316          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1 4.1478443
5 19417          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  4.424368
5 19498          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1 4.6461334
5 19499          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1 4.6488724
5 19589          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  4.895279
5 19666          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  5.106092
5 19750          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  5.336073
5 19757 -4.3105965 32.41 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  5.355236
5 19933          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  5.837099
5 20128          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  6.370981
5 20139          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  6.401094
5 20310          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  6.869268
5 20412          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  7.148531
5 20506          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  7.405886
5 20524 -14.083257  29.1 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  7.455168
5 20614          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  7.701574
5 20699          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  7.934294
5 20716          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  7.980837
5 20717          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  7.983572
5 20730          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  8.019167
5 20779          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  8.153322
5 20828          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  8.287474
5 20865          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  8.388777
5 20888          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  8.451746
5 20912          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  8.517454
5 21038          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  8.862425
5 21115          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  9.073236
5 21159          .     . 33.87  26.38193 1 0 1  9.193705
format %tdnn/dd/CCYY date
------------------ copy up to and including the previous line ------------------

Listed 100 out of 816 observations
Use the count() option to list more

Here is the results form the full dataset
. xtgee pch_rveda blrveda blage gender racecat site tfe, vce(robust)

Iteration 1: tolerance = 3.4858818
Iteration 2: tolerance = .03297166
Iteration 3: tolerance = .00098127
Iteration 4: tolerance = .00002973
Iteration 5: tolerance = 9.010e-07

GEE population-averaged model Number of obs = 236
Group variable: newid Number of groups = 64
Link: identity Obs per group:
Family: Gaussian min = 1
Correlation: exchangeable avg = 3.7
max = 16
Wald chi2(6) = 20.58
Scale parameter: 300.659 Prob > chi2 = 0.0022

(Std. Err. adjusted for clustering on newid)

pch_rveda Coef. Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]

blrveda .020357 .2438373 0.08 0.933 -.4575553 .4982694
blage -.2007481 .1445924 -1.39 0.165 -.4841439 .0826477
gender 10.51604 3.931522 2.67 0.007 2.810397 18.22168
racecat -3.87816 6.476657 -0.60 0.549 -16.57217 8.815854
site 2.771269 4.190216 0.66 0.508 -5.441404 10.98394
tfe 1.091036 .3858063 2.83 0.005 .3348693 1.847202
_cons -10.64515 13.29898 -0.80 0.423 -36.71067 15.42037
