Hi Statalist,

I'm struggling with a graphing issue perhaps someone can help me with. I'm trying to get three comparison plots into one panel, and since they all share the same Y-axis comparisons, I would like to include the labels only one time. The trouble is, if I include the labels on one graph only, they take up space so that this graph is smaller than the other two. I've played around with fxsize but to no avail, and while I've looked up solutions to similar graph sizing problems on here, I don't know how to apply them to a comparison plot.


margins relcon4x, pwcompare dydx(ptend1) predict(outcome(0))

marginsplot, horizontal unique xline(0) recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) title("Never affiliated") ylabel(1"Mod_vs_Con" ///
2"Lib_vs_Con" 3"NoID_vs_Con" 4"Lib_vs_Mod" 5"NoID_vs_Mod" 6"NoID_vs_Lib", nogrid) xtitle("") legend(off) name(graph4, replace)

margins relcon4x, pwcompare dydx(ptend1) predict(outcome(1))

marginsplot, horizontal unique xline(0) recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) title("Always affiliated") ylabel(none) ytick(1(1)6) ///
ytitle("") xtitle("") legend(off) name(graph5, replace)

margins relcon4x, pwcompare dydx(ptend1) predict(outcome(2))

marginsplot, horizontal unique xline(0) recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) title("Disaffiliated") ylabel(none) ytick(1(1)6) ytitle("") ///
xtitle("") ytick(1(1)6) legend(off) name(graph6, replace)

graph combine graph41 graph4 graph5 graph6, ycommon altshrink rows(1) col(3) ///
title("Group Differences in Effect of Parents' Worship Attendance" "on W4 Child Affiliation") imargin(tiny)

Any assistance here is greatly appreciated.
