Hi All,
My dataset resembles the following (I have panel data, so multiple observations for the same time period, but I think this table is without loss of generality)
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(year y x)
2001 12 321
2002 32 32
2003 12 12
2004 3 1
2005 1 2
In the above, I have data on individuals (identifier dropped), and variables y and x. I wish to explain y as a function of the first , second lag, third, fifth and tenthy of x, each for different models. After declaring the data either as time series, or as panel, I do the following:
foreach i in 1 2 3 5 10{
eststo : qui xi : xtreg y l`i'.(x) i.year
Now, I wish to use the esttab command- but the issue is that each of the variables are named differently. So, for instance, if I type:
esttab using "table1.tex", scalar(F) stats(N r2 vce) varwidth(25) keep(L.x) star(+ 0.15 * 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) p label replace
all I would obtain would be the coefficient son the first lag of x. If I want more lags of x, I would have to add L2.x and so on. I
do not wish to do this, as the table would look unnecessarily big, especially if I add other controls. Is it possible to subsume all the coefficients here under a variable name "x", in a single row? I could name the columns differently, corresponding to the particular lag.
Many thanks,
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