Dear members of the list,

I am trying to run a multilevel analysis using PIAAC data.

Knowing the complex survey design of PIAAC, I enquired the OECD. An official of this organism recommended us considering the use of REPEST command in order to "estimate statistics using replicate weights (BRR weights, Jackknife replicate weights,...), thus accounting for complex survey designs in the estimation of sampling variances".

Following the syntax of 'repest', we run the following command, where 'univ' is our dichotomous dependent variable, and 'edufath', 'female' and 'age' are our independent variables.

repest PIAAC, estimate(stata: xtmelogit univ i.edufath female age  || cntryid3:)
We obtain the following output, recommending us to "debug the command within the estimate option", but it is hard for us to understand what this exactly means, and how to proceed.

. repest PIAAC, estimate(stata: xtmelogit univ i.edufath female age || cntryid3:)
(note: file C:\Users\U19030\AppData\Local\Temp\ST_02000005.tmp not found)
file C:\Users\U19030\AppData\Local\Temp\ST_02000005.tmp saved

   There were no successful estimates for  = _pooled.
 Consider debugging the command within the estimate option:
 xtmelogit univ i.edufath female age || cntryid3:    [pw = spfwt0]  
weights not allowed
We do not know if the problem lies in one of the weights implicitly consider by the command 'repest' or rather in the fact that 'repest' does not allow the use of xtmelogit.

We would appreciate any guidance to solve this problem.

Thanks for our attention and kind regards

Luis Ortiz