I was wondering if there is a simple way to superimpose observed and fitted Weibull survivor functions onto the one graph. I am trying to reproduce Figure 10.1 in David Collett's book "Modelling survival data in medical research" 3rd Edition. This is a study of survival in breast cancer patients with 2 types of stain on their histological specimens.
This is the dataset:
input float(stain time status)
1  23 1
1  47 1
1  69 1
1  70 0
1  71 0
1 100 0
1 101 0
1 148 1
1 181 1
1 198 0
1 208 0
1 212 0
1 224 0
2   5 1
2   8 1
2  10 1
2  13 1
2  18 1
2  24 1
2  26 1
2  26 1
2  31 1
2  35 1
2  40 1
2  41 1
2  48 1
2  50 1
2  59 1
2  61 1
2  68 1
2  71 1
2  76 0
2 105 0
2 107 0
2 109 0
2 113 1
2 116 0
2 118 1
2 143 1
2 154 0
2 162 0
2 188 0
2 212 0
2 217 0
2 225 0
And this the code for the two graphs I want superimposed.
stset time, failure(status==1)
streg i.stain, distribution(weibull)
sts graph, by(stain)
stcurve, survival at1( stain=1 ) at2( stain=2 )
Thanks and regards
