Hi folks,
Apologies in advance for the rookie question!
I am designing a nested case-control study using electronic health data and would like some help with matching using the stset + sttocc command.
The cohort data is a dynamic cohort study with individuals entering and exiting the study at different dates (they have different start dates).
My failure event is the development of a disease (inflammatory bowel disease).
I have worked out how to match for "calendar time" and separately for "analysis time" using stset and sttocc.
For calendar time:
stset end, failure(event) enter(start) origin(date - in my study 01,01,2000) id(patid) scale(365.25)
set seed 9123456
sttocc, n(6) nodots
For analysis time:
stset end, failure(event) enter(start) origin(start) id(patid) scale(365.25)
set seed 9123456
sttocc, n(6) nodots
However, I would like my controls to be matched not only for analysis time but additionally for calendar time (i.e. each control has the same (or greater) follow up as their matched case over the same calendar period). Is there a way to do this?
Many thanks,
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