I would like to pause a stata command for 24 hours due to some externally imposed restriction on coding data (FYI opencagegeo which limits the amount of geocoded observations per day).
I thererfore tried to use the sleep command to re-start the command automatically after the 24 hours:
 sleep 86400000
corresponding to the number of milliseconds in a day. However, the command did not pause at all. It does work for a lower value instead, like 10000 (i.e. 10 seconds). For instance
forvalues i = 1/2 {
    di `i'
    sleep 86400000
does not work and displays without pausing. But
forvalues i = 1/2 {
    di `i'
    sleep 10000
works. Hence, I am guessing there is an upper limit to the number of milliseconds but this is not indicated in the help. Does anyone know?