I just hit a wall to try to rearrange some data, trying stack, reshape, withouth success
Below is what i HAVE (and i have this for more countries and many more years)
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float year byte Month double(France Germany Greece Ireland Italy) 1999 1 83.07643127441406 111.26028442382813 57.91408932372214 46.1762877674332 106.93924713134766 1999 2 42.25163269042969 104.85598754882813 85.64400754420966 89.8151487527608 72.18669891357422 1999 3 49.747520446777344 65.63091278076172 81.53706234984294 20.5453672560282 107.49728393554688 1999 4 55.28369140625 95.32920837402344 108.13874537812843 58.7124034710815 64.25144958496094 1999 5 24.785112380981445 87.84143829345703 117.58531964336339 39.2210776487021 76.10186767578125 1999 6 32.23488235473633 131.9817352294922 112.04975316206281 41.9093073297522 101.81966400146484 1999 7 20.791728973388672 102.22409057617188 82.17018044100048 81.122530557161 122.38406372070313 1999 8 11.287311553955078 118.17872619628906 87.84252017003607 70.1795182743071 53.9514045715332 1999 9 28.035703659057617 106.54348754882813 96.36029694269962 19.9943717099693 60.67523956298828 1999 10 27.94557762145996 104.13790130615234 81.41807645310186 97.2449373738416 79.26862335205078 1999 11 49.83722686767578 139.8860626220703 58.11319962091013 58.2509882560113 84.96528625488281 1999 12 33.2702751159668 52.08928680419922 70.03123719584467 110.322008391404 84.88604736328125 end
Year | Month | Country | var |
1999 | 1 | France | 83,07643 |
1999 | 2 | France | 42,25163 |
1999 | 3 | France | 49,74752 |
1999 | 4 | France | 55,28369 |
1999 | 5 | France | 24,78511 |
1999 | 6 | France | 32,23488 |
1999 | 7 | France | 20,79173 |
1999 | 8 | France | 11,28731 |
1999 | 9 | France | 28,0357 |
1999 | 10 | France | 27,94558 |
1999 | 11 | France | 49,83723 |
1999 | 12 | France | 33,27028 |
1999 | 1 | Germany | 111,2603 |
1999 | 2 | Germany | 104,856 |
1999 | 3 | Germany | 65,63091 |
1999 | 4 | Germany | 95,32921 |
1999 | 5 | Germany | 87,84144 |
1999 | 6 | Germany | 131,9817 |
1999 | 7 | Germany | 102,2241 |
1999 | 8 | Germany | 118,1787 |
1999 | 9 | Germany | 106,5435 |
1999 | 10 | Germany | 104,1379 |
1999 | 11 | Germany | 139,8861 |
1999 | 12 | Germany | 52,08929 |
1999 | 1 | Greece | 57,91409 |
1999 | 2 | Greece | 85,64401 |
1999 | 3 | Greece | 81,53706 |
1999 | 4 | Greece | 108,1387 |
1999 | 5 | Greece | 117,5853 |
1999 | 6 | Greece | 112,0498 |
1999 | 7 | Greece | 82,17018 |
1999 | 8 | Greece | 87,84252 |
1999 | 9 | Greece | 96,3603 |
1999 | 10 | Greece | 81,41808 |
1999 | 11 | Greece | 58,1132 |
1999 | 12 | Greece | 70,03124 |
1999 | 1 | Ireland | 46,17629 |
1999 | 2 | Ireland | 89,81515 |
1999 | 3 | Ireland | 20,54537 |
1999 | 4 | Ireland | 58,7124 |
1999 | 5 | Ireland | 39,22108 |
1999 | 6 | Ireland | 41,90931 |
1999 | 7 | Ireland | 81,12253 |
1999 | 8 | Ireland | 70,17952 |
1999 | 9 | Ireland | 19,99437 |
1999 | 10 | Ireland | 97,24494 |
1999 | 11 | Ireland | 58,25099 |
1999 | 12 | Ireland | 110,322 |
1999 | 1 | Italy | 106,9392 |
1999 | 2 | Italy | 72,1867 |
1999 | 3 | Italy | 107,4973 |
1999 | 4 | Italy | 64,25145 |
1999 | 5 | Italy | 76,10187 |
1999 | 6 | Italy | 101,8197 |
1999 | 7 | Italy | 122,3841 |
1999 | 8 | Italy | 53,9514 |
1999 | 9 | Italy | 60,67524 |
1999 | 10 | Italy | 79,26862 |
1999 | 11 | Italy | 84,96529 |
1999 | 12 | Italy | 84,88605 |
thank you in advance
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