I have a dataset like this
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(newdate dateid) long userid double amount 21297 90 1 1 21299 92 1 2 21303 96 1 3 21304 97 1 1 21305 98 1 4 21306 99 2 1 21306 99 1 9 21307 100 1 1 end format %td newdate
* Reshape to WIDE in order to replace missing values to 0 reshape wide amount, i(newdate dateid) j(userid) replace amount1 = 0 if amount1 == . replace amount2 = 0 if amount2 == . list * Reshape back to LONG reshape long list, sepby(newdate) +--------------------------------------+ | newdate dateid userid amount | |--------------------------------------| 1. | 23apr2018 90 1 1 | 2. | 23apr2018 90 2 0 | |--------------------------------------| 3. | 25apr2018 92 1 2 | 4. | 25apr2018 92 2 0 | |--------------------------------------| 5. | 29apr2018 96 1 3 | 6. | 29apr2018 96 2 0 | |--------------------------------------| 7. | 30apr2018 97 1 1 | 8. | 30apr2018 97 2 0 | |--------------------------------------| 9. | 01may2018 98 1 4 | 10. | 01may2018 98 2 0 | |--------------------------------------| 11. | 02may2018 99 1 9 | 12. | 02may2018 99 2 1 | |--------------------------------------| 13. | 03may2018 100 1 1 | 14. | 03may2018 100 2 0 | +--------------------------------------+
I know in Stata we can do it with loop but I can not manage to do it myself. Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
Thong Nguyen
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