I'm trying to use the postfile command but everytime i try to execute it it gives me a error message i dont know how to fix.
postfile Microanalysis countryid N beta_erwerbslos se_erwerbslos beta_cage se_cage using "results_micro.dta", replace forvalues i = 1/16 { regress ihealth erwerbslos c.cage if countryid == `i' mat results = r(table) local countryid = countryid local N = e(N) local beta_erwerbslos = results[1,1] local se_female = results[1,2] local beta_cage = results[2,1] local se_cage = results[2,2] post Microanalysis (`i') (`N') (`beta_erwerbslos') (`beta_cage') (`se_erwerbslos') (`se_cage') } postclose Microanalysis
post: above message corresponds to expression 5, variable beta_cage
I hope anybody can help me.
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