Hi all, I am trying to re-download the complete WDI dataset, so as to have data from more recent years. I had this issue last time I did this, but it is much worse this time. Obvious variables such as GDP, etc, are missing, which seems obviously wrong. To download I am downloading all indicators, for all countries, for all years, in a loop, using the following code. I later merge them all together.

forvalues i=1/21 {
    clear all
    wbopendata, language(en - English) country() topics(`i') indicator() long
    gen topics = `i'
    label var topics "World Development Indicator topic area"
    save "data\topic_`i'_2019.dta", replace

forvalues i=1/21 {
    if `i'==1 {
        local j = (`i'+1)
        use "data\test\topic_`i'_19.dta"
        merge 1:1 countryname year using "data\test\topic_`j'.dta"
        drop _merge
        save "data\test\wdi_1_21_2019.dta", replace    
Does anybody have a better suggestion?!!