Greetings to all contributors from someone new to the forum and a user of Stata 15.1/SE.
I have a data set of roughly 900 obs and am trying to perform a regression on 17 variables (no panel data) plus their respective interaction terms with one variable. For simplicity, assume I only have 3 main vars X1 (dummy), X2 (dummy) and X3 (continuous) in a regression model written in pseudocode:
Y = b0 + b1 * X1 + b2 * X2 + b3 * X3 + b4 * (X1*X2) + b5 * (X1*X3) + e
X1 = a0 + a1 * Z1 + a2 * Z2 + u
Essentially my problem has two facets:
1. Notwithstanding any background information about my research design: is this a statistically sound approach, i.e. are statistical inferences plausible with this model? I have stumbled across the forbidden regression as provided in Wooldridge (2000), Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, section 9.5, esp. pp. 236-7. However, my impression is that my problem differs from the forbidden regression model as I have endogeneity suggested only in X1 and not in any of X2, X3. But maybe I am misinterpreting things here.
2. Given the answer to Question 1 is 'yes': How can I implement this in Stata? I have come across - amongst other - this informative post: and especially answer #8. However, I fail to imagine how I can execute the code proposed therein when I have two instruments. Employing -ivreg2-, I imagine this would in its simplest form result in something like:
/ * IV Regression With Interaction Terms * / * This should be the model without endogeneity: reg Y X1 X2 X3 X1##X2 X1##c.X3 * Now with IV approach: ssc install ivreg2, replace ivreg2 Y X2 X3 (X1 X1##X2 X1##c.X3 = Z1 Z2 Z1##X2 c.Z2##X2 Z1##c.X3 c.Z2##c.X3)
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
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