I am using stata to analyse the impact of different regressors on private equity fundraising using one step GMM. I am new to stata. The following command that i use:
abond2 fr_gdp l.fr_gdp boone_indicator depmoney_ratio disc_index ,gmm( fr_gdp ,lag(2 2) collapse) iv( boone_indicator depmoney_ratio disc_index yr*) small orthogonal robust
However, the problem is that when I use the three regressors boone_indicator depmoney_ratio disc_index, they are not significant at all. When I put market capitalisation as the fourth variable, all three become significant. There is no high correlation between the regressors. Market capitalisation is highly correlated with dependent varialbe while rest three have insignificant correlation with dependent variable. When I use all the four regressors in different models, all of most of them show significant impact.
P-Values of the three are as under when they are taken without market capitalisation:
booneindicator: 0.477
depmoney_ration 0.350
disc_index 0.587
cons 0.508
When they are taken with marketcapitalisation, they output is as under:
marketcap_gdp 0.000
booneindicator: 0.007
depmoney_ration 0.026
disc_index 0.065
cons 0.022
My question is that:
Do the three variables qualify to be included in models when they have no impact when taken individually in simple regression model or three of them combined in multiple regression model (only depmoney_ratio is significant at 10% level when taken alone in simple reg model). Should we consider regressors that are not significant when taken alone but gets significance in multiple regression?
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