Hello Dear All,

I am trying to use psacalc command in Stata to build an argument for omitted variables bias.

My regression takes the form: "reg Depvar X1 X2 ... Xn i.CODE i.ETHNY i.OCC i.REL i.COL, cluster(IDENTIFIER)" (1).
My will is that psacalc command to consider all the fixed effects (i.CODE i.ETHNY i.OCC i.REL i.COL) as unrelated controls and include them in all the regressions, uncontrolled and controlled ones.

So I run the following command "psacalc delta X1, mcontrol(i.CODE i.ETHNY i.OCC i.REL i.COL)".
But Stata returns the following message "Unrelated control not in regression". I've replaced "mcontrol" by "mcontrols" but it did not work neither.

Question 1: Does someone know what is going please ? How can I implement that correctly please?

In addition, after the regression (1) above, I run the command "psacalc beta X1" and Stata gave me the results attached to this post. My concern is that the beta retuned by the command is 4641.34207 which is too big to me. I was thinking beta should be my estimate on X1, which should not be that big! Or maybe I am wrong ?

Question 2: Does someone know how to clearly interpret the results attached to my post please? For example, what does the "Yes" on the results really mean please ?

Any attempt to explain how psacalc command works properly in general would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance for your kind replies. Sorry if some of my questions seem to be stupid.
