Hi guys!

I am totally new with statistics, just started to learn using Stata. On the last class we were learning about linear regressions, predicted probability, logit, margins etc. I am trying to practice but it doesn`t go very well. So before we made this:

/*Graph the predicted probability of Pi with/without a confidence interval*/
quietly logit grade gpa tuce i.psi
margins psi, at(gpa = (2(.1)4) ) atmeans
marginsplot, noci scheme(sj) xtitle("GPA") ytitle("Pr(Y=1)") ///
title("Predicted Probability of Getting An A")

quietly logit grade gpa tuce i.psi
quietly margins psi, at(gpa = (2(.1)4) ) atmeans
marginsplot, scheme(sj) xtitle("GPA") ytitle("Pr(Y=1)") ///
title("Predicted Probability of Getting An A")

I tried to copy these commands to solve an excercise, but it doesn`t really work, can you help make write the right command for these (happymar, female, educ)

1.predicted probability of marital happiness for the female and male over
various years of education (set church=1).

2. substantive effect of gender on the predicted probability
of marital happiness over various years of education (set church=1).