Hi, Im trying to use esttab to export my margins in some imputed data and while the estimates on the screen are correct the exported coefficients are wrong. Any help or guidance
would be appreciated

capture program drop emargins_mlogit0
program emargins_mlogit0, eclass properties(mi)
                version 15
                args var
                mlogit mortality26_43 `var' sex, rrr
                eststo margin1: margins, dydx(*) predict(pr) post
foreach var of varlist f_ses m_edu ownedu housing {
mi estimate, post dots cmdok: emargins_mlogit0 `var'

esttab  margin1 using "margins_ses.txt", ///
cells(`"b(fmt(%9.3f) ) ci_l ci_u p (fmt(3))"') stats() modelwidth(20) ///
plain nolabel nogaps varwidth (15) nolines  compress append   nolabel  ///
collabels("") nocons  