
I wonder if I could please get advice on how to display the number of observations underneath twoway line plots, much like the option
 sts graph, by() risktable
For instance the sts graph manual (https://www.stata.com/manuals13/ststsgraph.pdf) shows the "number at risk" in this graph Array

I would like to produce the same thing for a twoway plot for instance for this code

use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r16/nlswork.dta, clear

gen ct_wks_work = 1 if wks_work !=.
gen ct_wks_ue = 1 if wks_ue !=.

collapse (mean) wks_work wks_ue (count) ct_wks_work ct_wks_ue,  by (year)

twoway (line wks_work year )   ///
       (line wks_ue  year)

I produce the following twoway graph but I would like to include two rows for the values of ct_wks_work ct_wks_ue