
I thought I had cracked this but seemingly not:

After having trouble importing variables containing dates from an SPSS file I used -usespss- which looked to have done the trick and after formatting the variables using:

format time1 %tcHH:MM

so times are displayed (11.05, 11.15 etc) and ultimately I was looking for a duration of an appointment which I was able to calculate as time2 - time 1 which gave a third var time3 which I formatted as %tcMM so it shows a time in minutes, in this case 10 minutes.

My problem is that I want this value to behave as a 'normal' number, so I want to multiply var3, as '10' by another variable but I get really strange numbers. I've been reading the 'datetime translation' help files but can't work what I need to do. Is there a way to use/ convert this variable?

Any thoughts much appreciated.
