Hi everyone,

Similar to a previous question, I am trying to edit the formatting of headings created via David Fisher's admetan and forestplot. I would like all headings of my forestplot to be bold, but currently only one out of five headings displays properly. The problem I experience is visualized below:


The code I used to produce this graph follows the linked question almost verbatim:

admetan lnseor lnselci lnseuci, study(cohort) by(antibody) nooverall rcol(senneg senpos) nohet effect("OR")  saving(graphdata)
use graphdata, clear

* Make headings bold
replace _LABELS = `"{bf:"' + _LABELS + `"}"' if _USE==0
label var senneg `"{bf: n SE/N neg}"'
label var senpos `"{bf: n SE/N pos}"'
label var _EFFECT `"{bf: OR (95% CI)}"'
label var _WT `"{bf: % Weight}"'
label var _LABELS `"{bf:Shared Epitope}"'

* Replace "Subgroup" text with "Total"
replace _LABELS = `"{bf: Total}"' if _USE==3

forestplot, useopts nostats nowt rcols(_EFFECT _WT senneg senpos)
For some reason _EFFECT responds appropriately to de {bf:} SMCL formatting, but the other headings do not. Besides centering, I cannot discern any obvious differences between these five variables that explain this. When I restart Stata and try again from scratch, sometimes _LABELS (ie: Shared Epitope) is appropriately bolded, sometimes it isn't, which make me feel like it is a bug.

I am using admetan/forestplot version 3.2 in Stata SE 14.1.

Any help would be appreciated!