I hope you are all doing fine!
I have a panel dataset with over a thousand firm IDs and 397 variables. For each ID I have data on time periods ranging from 2003-2010, although each firm ID underlies different time periods (2003-2006, 2004-2008, etc.).
Because I would like to run a linear regression using as the dependent variable the returns (_roe) of two subgroups (given by the variable profit_status: non-profit or profit), I need to create a for-profit and a non-profit return portfolio first. Therefore, I need to find the weighted average return of each of the two portfolios per year and then obtain the mean value for each subgroup.
Finally, I would like to implement the same process by region.
Here is an extract of my dataset:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input long mfiid int year str10 profit_status str31 region double loanp_gr float _roe 100000 2009 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 6.989898 .14123334 100000 2008 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 5.815762 .17713334 100000 2007 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 4.447335 .2913083 100001 2007 "Non-profit" "Eastern Europe and Central Asia" 32.509157 .21060835 100001 2009 "Non-profit" "Eastern Europe and Central Asia" 43.950894 .015933335 100001 2004 "Non-profit" "Eastern Europe and Central Asia" 3.823308 .04955833 100001 2010 "Non-profit" "Eastern Europe and Central Asia" 34.686921 .017058332 100001 2006 "Non-profit" "Eastern Europe and Central Asia" 9.54903 .02328333 100001 2005 "Non-profit" "Eastern Europe and Central Asia" 5.243011 -.008699998 100004 2008 "Profit" "Africa" 318.429249 .20683333 100008 2007 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 2.514016 -.4197917 100008 2008 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 3.528543 -2.9300666 100008 2009 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 3.126599 9.721633 100008 2006 "Non-profit" "South Asia" .925905 -.4828166 100012 2010 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 17.238102 .16185834 100012 2007 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 6.380352 1.6969082 100012 2009 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 12.460604 .9820334 100012 2005 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 1.188292 .3659 100012 2008 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 7.094487 1.2119334 100012 2006 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 2.859306 -.4431167 100013 2010 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 1.343236 -.13484167 100013 2009 "Non-profit" "South Asia" 1.247345 -.10906667 100016 2005 "Profit" "South Asia" 4.186943 -.0101 100016 2009 "Profit" "South Asia" 17.369746 .07153333 100016 2010 "Profit" "South Asia" 19.892395 .08925833 100016 2006 "Profit" "South Asia" 6.661947 .0035833344 100016 2008 "Profit" "South Asia" 12.535291 .05173333 100016 2007 "Profit" "South Asia" 12.494852 .016408335 100017 2006 "Profit" "South Asia" 91.68322 .09988333 100017 2003 "Profit" "South Asia" 18.902664 .17895 end format %ty year
I would appreciate your help.
Kind regards
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