I've been unable to create a table that shows the weighted summary statistics of the variable travelling_time, for each country and year of my sample, with the command outreg2. The only syntax with which I don't receive an error message from Stata is this one:

by country year: outreg2 using travelling_summarystat, replace sum(log) keep(travelling_time) label see: sum travelling_time [aw=propwt]

However, based on the results I get, including [aw=propwt] has not had any effect since I have obtained the same results when I didn't include that option. The results are also different from the ones I got with a more simple syntax, that seems to calculate the correctly weighted statistics: by country year:

by country year: sum travelling_time [aw=propwt]

I would appreciate it if you could help me understand where have I made a mistake, and why including [aw=propwt] doesn't seem to have any effect. Thanks!