
I am trying to fit a naive Bayes model on Stata dataset by using the Stata-Python interface.
I am trying to use the -setLocal- Macro of the Python sfi module to transfer the value of best_alpha into Stata, but it seems that the value isn't being transferred, although there is no error message.
My code are below:

// enter the python mode

parameters = [{'alpha':np.linspace(0.1,4.6,10)}]
alpha_grid = parameters[0]['alpha'].tolist()
alpha_str = ' '.join(str(e) for e in alpha_grid)

# running the grid search on the dataset X_train and Y_train, based on the roc_auc scoring criteria.
# there are other options for scoring such as f1 scores, etc.
clf = GridSearchCV(MultinomialNB(), parameters, cv=10, scoring='accuracy')
clf.fit(X_train, np.ravel(Y_train))

# find the best value for alpha
best_alpha = clf.best_params_['alpha'] 

>> 0.1

##### transfer the python variable best_alpha as STATA local macro 'bestAlpha'
Macro.setLocal('bestAlpha', 'best_alpha')


// back to Stata mode
// the value of bestAlpha ( = 0.1) is not displaying
display "Best alpha " `bestAlpha'
What am I doing wrong here?

Thank you,

PS: Macro.setLocal documentation can be found here: https://www.stata.com/python/api16/Macro.html