I am using STATA 15 and wide-format dataset.
My aim is to create a new variable (my data is confidential but as an example I will call it "newv") which I want to have a value of 1 or 0.
The value should be 1 if any of the values in a long list of other alphanumeric variables in the dataset contain a certain alphanumeric code.
As an example of the list of variables I will use "toronto" "paris" "rome" "madrid" here.
varname: toronto paris rome madrid
value: A1 b2 C3 D4
The list of variables in reality is very long and involves a lot of lines of code, so I am trying to use the foreach command.
The code I am using is :
gen newv=0
for each v of varlist toronto paris rome madrid {
replace newv=1 if strpos (v,"A1")>0
However, when I do this STATA says "{ required"
I thought I had put the braces in the correct place so I'm not sure where I am going wrong?
Any advice would be much appreciated,
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