This is question is more of a paranoia check than anything else. I have the following code which identifies people who have had 3 or more ed visits within a 3 month time period, then generates a new variable identifying people as having No ed visits, low ed visits (<=2 edvisits in 3 months) and high ed visits (3+ edvisits in 3 months):
rangestat (sum) total=edvisits, interval (mdate -2 0) by (studyid) rangestat (max) max=total, interval (studyid 0 0) gen repeat_user = max>= 3 mvencode edvisits, mv(0) bysort studyid (edvisits) : gen patient_cat = edvisits[_N] ==0 replace patient_cat = 3 if repeat user == 1 replace patient_cat = 2 if patient_cat == 0 label def patient_cat 1 no 2 low 3 high label val patient cat patient_cat tab patient_cat
rangestat (sum) total=edvisits, interval (mdate -11 0) by (studyid) rangestat (max) max=total, interval (studyid 0 0) gen repeat_user = max>= 3 mvencode edvisits, mv(0) bysort studyid (edvisits) : gen patient_cat = edvisits[_N] ==0 replace patient_cat = 3 if repeat user == 1 replace patient_cat = 2 if patient_cat == 0 label def patient_cat 1 no 2 low 3 high label val patient cat patient_cat tab patient_cat
Can anyone see an issue with the code?
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Thanks so much!
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