* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input long id double(t yq1) 1 17531 191 1 17532 192 1 17713 193 1 17805 194 1 17897 195 1 17898 196 1 18078 197 1 18170 198 1 18262 199 1 18263 200 1 18443 201 1 18535 202 1 18627 203 1 18628 204 1 18808 205 1 18900 206 1 18992 207 1 18993 208 1 19174 209 1 19266 210 1 19358 211 1 19359 212 1 19539 213 1 19631 214 1 19723 215 1 19724 216 1 19904 217 1 19996 218 1 20088 219 1 20089 220 1 20269 221 1 20361 222 1 20453 223 1 20454 224 1 20635 225 1 20727 226 1 20819 227 1 20820 228 1 21000 229 1 21092 230 1 21184 231 1 21185 232 1 21365 233 1 21457 234 1 21549 235 1 21550 236 1 21730 237 1 21822 238 1 21914 239 1 22005 240 1 22096 241 1 22188 242 563 17531 191 563 17532 192 563 17713 193 563 17805 194 563 17897 195 563 17898 196 563 18078 197 563 18170 198 563 18262 199 563 18263 200 563 18443 201 563 18535 202 563 18627 203 563 18628 204 563 18808 205 563 18900 206 563 18992 207 563 18993 208 563 19174 209 563 19266 210 563 19358 211 563 19359 212 563 19539 213 563 19631 214 563 19723 215 563 19724 216 563 19904 217 563 19996 218 563 20088 219 563 20089 220 563 20269 221 563 20361 222 563 20453 223 563 20454 224 563 20635 225 563 20727 226 563 20819 227 563 20820 228 563 21000 229 563 21092 230 563 21184 231 563 21185 232 563 21365 233 563 21457 234 563 21549 235 563 21550 236 563 21730 237 563 21822 238 end format %td t format %tq yq1
gen d = dofq(yq1) *format d %td gen d1 = d-1 *format d1 %td bys id: gen w = d1[_n+1] format w %td replace w = t if w == .
0 Response to Replace the first date of the first quarter with the last date of the first quarter for all ids and years.
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