Hi everyone,

I am trying to create a descriptive statistics table of my data but only for the cases in which all the variables are observed in order to have the same number of observations for all my variables.

When I run the following command:

[sum country1 cid year fdiunctad1 fdiwdi1 wgi1 icrg csp acled ucdpdeaths ucdpconflicts edb91 edb51 gdpgrowth1 gdppercapita1 trade1 inflation1 exchangerate1 telephone1 cellphone1 education1 if country1!=. & cid!=. & year!=. fdiunctad1!=. & fdiwdi1!=. & wgi1!=. icrg!=. & csp!=. & acled!=. ucdpdeaths!=. & ucdpconflicts!=. & edb91!=. edb51!=. & gdpgrowth1!=. & gdppercapita1!=. trade1!=. & inflation1!=. & exchangerate1!=. telephone1!=. & cellphone1!=. & education1!=.]

Stata tells me that whichever variable after year is invalid and it gives me the error r(198).

Can you see any mistake in the formula or would you know what is the reason of it?

Thank you very much in advance.
