Dear all,

I intend to manually calculate inverse probability weights (IPW) in order to use them in a regression with a 3-value treatment, a binary dependent variable and a variable (let us call it 'indvar') I wish to test the effect of after having ascertained the effect of treatment. the command
teffects ipw
with the
model allows me to test the effect of Treatment onto Outcome but does not allow me to add variables afterwards.

So I have calculated the inverse probability weights as follows:
mlogit treatment covariates
predict pscore, pr
replace pscore=1/(1-pscore) if treatment==0
replace pscore=1/pscore if treatment==1 | treatment==2

logit depvar i.treatment indvar [pw=pscore]
I believe it is the way to go as the values 1 and 2 for treatment regard the treated and 0 the controls. However, I haven't found explicit confirmation in literature. Can anyone confirms?
Thank you very much for your useful comments,
