I am trying to get a summary table for my anova command (like the subcommand tabulate does when you use the oneway command).

I've tried anova help and there's nothing there that I can see. I've also tried the summarize subcommand and it gives me a not allowed error like tabulate does.

margins gives me all my means but it gives me standard error, I need the standard deviation though and for each y there's 16 Means and sd I need to report per 'y'- 2 locations (Pre_LTCH) over 4 time points (data_point) and 2 sex categories (Sex_AA2) so doing it by hand isn't really efficient.

My code is (part of a macro):

 anova `y' Sex_AA2 Pre_LTCH Sex_AA2#Pre_LTCH / ///
    unique_ID|Pre_LTCH#Sex_AA2 ///
    data_point ///
    data_point#Sex_AA2 data_point#Pre_LTCH ///
    data_point#Sex_AA2#Pre_LTCH ///
    if Sex_AA2!=2, ///

 margins, over(Pre_LTCH Sex_AA2 data_point) saving(`n', replace)

Any help is greatly appreciated.