Dear Statalist,

I'm trying to create a shaded area between the two borders of the confidence interval around TS_HUNT_lln (between lb_i and ub_i). Below is the code I'm using:

twoway (line hr_i lb_i ub_i TS_HUNT_lln, sort lp(l - -)) ///
 if inrange(TS_HUNT_lln, -10,7) , yscale(log) ytitle("Adjusted Hazard Ratio") ///
 xtitle("BMD T-score") ///
 plotregion(style(none)) ///
 yline(1) ///
 ylabel(0.5 1 1.5 2 3, angle(horiz) format(%4.3f)) ///
  legend(off) xlabel(-10(1)7)  name(or_age_mi, replace)
Could -twoway rarea- be used somehow?