Hi all,

I am aiming to simulate stepped-wedged data for a cross-sectional design (new set of individuals are sampled from each cluster at each step or cross-over point) according to the following model with a continuous outcome:

Yijk = b0 + bj + dXijk + ui + eijk

Let Yijk denote the continuous outcome with clusters i = 1,…,I containing individual j = 1,...J. Define Xijk as the intervention indicator wherein Xijk = 1 if cluster k is receiving the intervention and Xijk = 0 if cluster k is in the control condition. b0 is defined as the fixed effect intercept, bj fixed effect for time as a covariate, and dfixed intervention effect. Cluster-level random intercepts were assumed to follow a normal distribution with a mean of zero and known variance ui ~ N (0, sd). Finally, residuals are normally distributed as well eijkN(0, sd).

How would I sample a new set of individuals from each cluster at each timepoint?

Any help is much appreciated.
