Dear all, I am trying to do PSM matching with psmatch2. I have 244,280 samples from 2003 to 2006 needed for propensity score matching. I regard the enterprises that have imported for four years as the treatment group, and the enterprises that haven't imported for four years as the control group. The treatment is named as imp033, and the outcome is named as kf (a dummy of innovation). Then I run psmatch2 in STATAse16, but it takes a very long time (at least 5 hours) and no results have come out till now. I don't know if it is because of my dataset or my computer configuration(12G) . For the sake of easy understanding, I list 100 treatment group data and 100 control group data below.
My code is as follow:
global xlist firm_age scale exp ave_wage cap_dens pro_ra type ftype
global TREAT imp033
global ylist kf
global breps 1000
set seed 10101
gen ranorder=runiform()
sort ranorder
psmatch2 $TREAT $xlist i.year i.industry, outcome($ylist) n(4) logit ties ate common
and the stata shows: psmatch2 $TREAT $xlist i.year i.industry, outcome($ylist) n(4) logit ties ate
> common
note: 16.industry != 0 predicts failure perfectly
16.industry dropped and 371 obs not used
My data sample:
input str9 id float(kf imp033 firm_age scale exp ave_wage cap_dens pro_ra type ftype)
"001593610" 0 0 3 4.276666 0 6.708333 70.138885 0 0 0
"001593610" 0 0 4 4.6728287 0 6.158878 36.7757 .05498907 0 0
"001593610" 0 0 5 4.867535 0 6.384615 23.30769 .07996485 0 0
"001593610" 0 0 6 4.934474 0 7.179856 34.064747 .06700417 0 0
"001595480" 0 0 3 4.465908 0 12.126437 9.91954 .008293055 0 0
"001595480" 0 0 4 3.970292 0 9.622642 13.54717 .002558706 0 0
"001595480" 0 0 5 3.8066626 0 11.977777 22 .008833577 0 0
"001595480" 0 0 6 4.060443 0 6.327586 118.3793 .014250854 0 0
"00159885X" 0 0 2 4.7004805 0 10.263637 366.2636 .11926731 0 0
"00159885X" 0 0 4 4.276666 0 16.958334 558 .10039375 0 0
"00159885X" 0 0 5 4.4426513 0 14.717647 422.71765 .12947845 0 0
"00159885X" 0 0 6 4.4426513 0 12.458823 392.0118 .026448747 0 0
"001598956" 0 0 3 3.433987 0 6.967742 145.80646 .03850901 0 0
"001598956" 0 0 4 3.713572 0 5.878049 51.19512 .027588887 0 0
"001598956" 0 0 5 3.178054 0 7.208333 148.125 .017989207 0 0
"001598956" 0 0 6 3.178054 0 190 112.5 .01362663 0 0
"001601035" 0 0 3 4.7004805 0 10 108.47272 .0041700928 0 0
"001601035" 0 0 4 4.7004805 0 11.50909 104.57273 .009277705 0 0
"001601035" 0 0 5 4.744932 0 8.765218 148.40869 .0046180487 0 0
"001601035" 0 0 6 4.6821313 0 13.87037 76.083336 .00891258 0 0
"001601246" 0 0 3 3.555348 0 13.314285 223.97144 .11469403 0 0
"001601246" 0 0 4 4.0943446 0 5.6 56.73333 .008729813 0 0
"001601246" 0 0 5 3.8066626 0 5.066667 101.04444 .008293651 0 0
"001601246" 0 0 6 3.8066626 0 12 124 .008836604 0 0
"001603938" 0 0 3 5.393628 0 8.7 88.42273 .02421991 0 0
"001603938" 0 0 4 5.393628 0 8.872727 72.163635 .08078337 0 0
"001603938" 0 0 5 5.56452 0 9.275862 57.09962 .012665942 0 0
"001603938" 0 0 6 5.47227 0 9.579832 52.09244 .034586553 0 0
"001607728" 0 0 3 6.287858 0 15.223048 78.67286 .23088734 0 0
"001607728" 0 0 4 6.244167 0 18.260195 93.00388 .27517295 0 0
"001607728" 0 0 5 6.284134 0 18.347015 83.0056 .10166416 0 0
"001607728" 0 0 6 6.047372 0 28.05437 99.97163 .26021633 0 0
"001608050" 0 0 3 3.295837 0 .7407407 49.11111 .002932551 0 0
"001608050" 0 0 4 2.0794415 0 6.25 148.875 .002006201 0 0
"001608050" 0 0 5 2.995732 0 6.5 49.7 .004165427 0 0
"001608050" 0 0 6 3.178054 0 9 37 .00480365 0 0
"001613431" 0 0 2 3.583519 0 10.722222 24.27778 .002471953 0 0
"001613431" 0 0 4 3.6635616 0 13.307693 18.487179 .01268201 0 0
"001613431" 0 0 5 3.73767 0 11.857142 13.071428 .03686702 0 0
"001613431" 0 0 6 3.610918 0 13.81081 12.837838 .13272914 0 0
"001622282" 0 0 2 5.062595 0 12.658228 26.07595 0 0 0
"001622282" 0 0 3 4.905275 0 13.333333 29.59259 .06711561 0 0
"001622282" 0 0 4 4.828314 0 14.4 29.68 .02923077 0 0
"001622282" 0 0 5 4.744932 0 22.608696 46.95652 .08041627 0 0
"001623437" 0 0 3 5.117994 0 12.23952 66.52695 .24735096 0 0
"001623437" 0 0 4 5.308268 0 15.564357 67.19307 .14418752 0 0
"001623437" 0 0 5 5.438079 0 16.034782 62.86956 .04948368 0 0
"001623437" 1 0 6 5.493062 0 12.83539 61.87243 .04010624 0 0
"001668029" 0 0 22 5.247024 0 6.368421 11.763158 .03489011 0 0
"001668029" 0 0 22 5.347107 0 7.2 22.95238 .07813306 0 0
"001668029" 0 0 25 5.416101 0 6 33.81778 .33469296 0 0
"001668029" 0 0 26 5.416101 0 6.6 33.77778 .05131327 0 0
"009225927" 0 0 5 2.890372 0 6.166667 119.94444 .1060606 0 0
"009225927" 0 0 8 2.890372 0 8.388889 127.77778 .09981343 0 0
"009225927" 0 0 9 2.995732 0 6 35 .13093525 0 0
"009225927" 0 0 10 2.890372 0 6.611111 172.22223 .16603003 0 0
"009279247" 0 0 3 5.298317 0 8.74 17.245 .04113909 0 0
"009279247" 0 0 4 5.521461 0 5.808 23.584 .014746218 0 0
"009279247" 0 0 5 5.47227 0 6.42437 30.235294 .022169523 0 0
"009279247" 0 0 6 5.513429 0 10.790322 64.04436 .035560448 0 0
"009293786" 0 0 9 7.773174 0 9.559343 16.97643 .026143365 0 0
"009293786" 1 0 4 7.867871 0 9.168453 15.980474 .0178977 0 0
"009293786" 0 0 5 7.969012 0 9.983045 15.959516 .0142664 0 0
"009293786" 0 0 6 8.414495 0 12.14805 10.430186 .001634445 0 0
"009294287" 0 0 8 5.616771 0 12.472727 33.625454 .008133561 0 0
"009294287" 0 0 9 5.616771 0 12.178182 44.91273 .007381593 0 0
"009294287" 0 0 10 5.616771 0 12.814546 63.81091 .04000911 0 0
"009294287" 0 0 11 5.616771 0 16.952726 99.41818 .010874385 0 0
"00930262X" 0 0 3 5.247024 0 13.489473 22.39474 .11638881 0 0
"00930262X" 0 0 4 4.976734 0 13.427587 21.57931 .08552954 0 0
"00930262X" 0 0 5 4.85203 0 10.726563 22.86719 .05530161 0 0
"00930262X" 0 0 6 4.85203 0 13.664063 21.296875 .03833641 0 0
"009317776" 1 0 3 4.276666 0 .8055556 3.583333 .003654971 0 0
"009317776" 0 0 4 4.158883 0 10.921875 36.03125 .10282458 0 0
"009317776" 0 0 5 4.553877 0 10.389474 33.157894 .0615032 0 0
"009317776" 0 0 6 4.4886365 0 13.707865 4.3595505 .06010053 0 0
"009319915" 0 0 8 4.744932 0 5.582609 69.13043 .023691474 0 0
"009319915" 0 0 9 4.744932 0 10.634783 57.3913 .02000395 0 0
"009319915" 0 0 10 4.744932 0 11.73913 50.86956 .01998533 0 0
"009319915" 0 0 11 4.75359 0 15.431034 41.37931 .019950125 0 0
"009331607" 0 0 8 3.988984 0 14.12963 103.7037 .019554455 0 0
"009331607" 0 0 9 4.0253515 0 15.696428 91.60714 .018696023 0 0
"009331607" 0 0 10 4.0253515 0 14.642858 83.21429 .018214608 0 0
"009331607" 0 0 11 4.0430512 0 9.298245 73.1579 .016666668 0 0
"010400139" 0 0 21 5.768321 0 7.09375 14.125 .06 0 0
"010400139" 0 0 16 5.768321 0 7.75 51.625 .04444445 0 0
"010400139" 0 0 23 5.768321 0 7.96875 228.4375 .0697457 0 0
"010400139" 0 0 18 5.768321 0 9.375 203.125 .066575825 0 0
"010400147" 0 0 14 5.521461 0 .004 117.544 .06 0 0
"010400147" 0 0 6 5.521461 0 4.4 116.88 .14045045 0 0
"010400147" 0 0 16 5.521461 0 11.32 63.236 .0794158 0 0
"010400147" 0 0 8 5.521461 0 16.32 63.236 .0591318 0 0
"010400606" 0 0 11 5.049856 0 6.025641 10 .01225016 0 0
"010400606" 0 0 12 5.056246 0 5.388535 12.140127 .007413249 0 0
"010400606" 0 0 13 5.049856 0 6.538462 8.717949 .008352941 0 0
"010400606" 0 0 14 5.010635 0 5.333333 18.953333 .003022727 0 0
"012100906" 0 0 14 4.3820267 0 2.4875 108.75 .13352045 0 0
"012100906" 0 0 5 4.4426513 0 5.658823 82.35294 .028939147 0 0
"012100906" 0 0 16 4.4188404 0 8.361445 93.97591 .03161701 0 0
"012100906" 0 0 7 4.634729 0 10.485436 72.81554 .1762755 0 0
"101303131" 0 1 9 4.317488 1 75.30666 206.42667 .2091005 0 0
"101303131" 1 1 10 4.3694477 1 34.848103 93.67088 .17944835 0 0
"101303131" 0 1 11 4.3438053 0 36.66234 86.25974 .1575936 0 0
"101303131" 0 1 12 4.2904596 0 59.0274 149.71233 .11001413 0 0
"102940503" 0 1 7 4.4426513 1 9.435294 236.5412 .19508217 0 0
"102940503" 0 1 8 4.248495 0 11.557143 252.4143 .18960014 0 0
"102940503" 0 1 9 4.3820267 0 13.1 208.075 .20971908 0 0
"102940503" 0 1 10 4.4998097 1 13.344444 163.22223 .16482466 0 0
"132213331" 0 1 17 3.78419 1 19.31818 27.52273 .06058806 0 1
"132213331" 0 1 18 4.248495 1 18 16.785715 .1649884 0 1
"132213331" 0 1 19 4.317488 1 24 21.546667 .13845234 0 1
"132213331" 0 1 20 4.317488 1 19.61333 22.88 .12220635 0 1
"133555384" 0 1 18 5.598422 1 6.666667 19.962963 .0015136427 0 0
"133555384" 0 1 19 5.529429 1 7.142857 24.88889 .0042514997 0 0
"133555384" 0 1 20 5.010635 1 15 37.553333 0 0 0
"133555384" 0 1 21 5.480639 1 20 25.9 .00009318651 0 0
"134779697" 0 1 9 9.259797 1 6.988674 44.34567 .07905422 0 0
"134779697" 0 1 10 9.252058 1 12.11596 42.93785 .05490038 0 0
"134779697" 0 1 11 9.17056 1 16.48075 44.58481 .08873553 0 0
"134779697" 0 1 12 9.802009 1 16.901495 24.24903 .09168908 0 0
"135895761" 0 1 4 6.436151 1 19.346153 56.92147 .09584223 1 0
"135895761" 0 1 45 6.403574 1 21.887417 69.90563 .08685175 1 0
"135895761" 0 1 46 6.393591 1 21.279264 104.20903 .0350172 1 0
"135895761" 0 1 47 6.345636 1 23.43158 80.06842 .035289083 1 0
"135903880" 0 1 45 7.549609 1 19.87684 289.10947 .07361428 1 0
"135903880" 0 1 12 7.445417 1 26.64778 351.545 .06021364 1 0
"135903880" 0 1 13 7.493874 1 26.64218 351.75015 .04782405 1 0
"135903880" 0 1 14 7.421776 0 29.51854 352.9701 .04083354 1 0
"137118157" 0 1 15 7.37149 1 9.144654 35.62893 .008353521 0 0
"137118157" 0 1 16 7.293018 1 10.32653 42.21088 .0041845436 0 0
"137118157" 0 1 17 7.293018 1 10.70068 44.64626 .0076845 0 0
"137118157" 0 1 18 7.293018 1 12.244898 50.06123 .06748781 0 0
"137517166" 1 1 7 5.883322 0 23.14763 153.39833 .22512077 0 0
"137517166" 0 1 8 5.961005 0 19.002577 119.4433 .1270405 0 0
"137517166" 0 1 9 5.968708 1 23.913044 119.51407 .05372937 0 0
"137517166" 0 1 10 5.857933 0 29.542856 112.51428 .10058741 0 0
"137701035" 0 1 0 7.948385 1 23.024727 378.54575 .04365854 0 0
"137701035" 0 1 8 7.624131 1 23.46898 158.30923 .05170785 0 0
"137701035" 0 1 9 8.270013 1 22.41844 247.09526 .028449846 0 0
"137701035" 0 1 10 8.310906 1 23.09538 535.73157 .034115322 0 0
"140552739" 0 1 16 8.125631 1 10.002958 79.7071 .06363523 0 0
"140552739" 0 1 16 8.303505 0 9.348687 48.48539 .05439771 0 0
"140552739" 0 1 18 8.255829 1 10.11948 51.47273 .05434716 0 0
"140552739" 1 1 19 8.14613 1 10.724638 59.12174 .025122883 0 0
"140716633" 0 1 45 7.813187 1 17.00364 318.99475 .07300612 1 0
"140716633" 1 1 46 7.885329 1 22.731 404.8194 .07097076 1 0
"140716633" 0 1 47 7.959625 1 23.78624 436.7083 .06550843 1 0
"140716633" 1 1 48 8.033334 1 24.305645 508.1129 .0876218 1 0
"141757664" 1 1 38 7.864804 1 20.0384 128.30952 .027538754 0 0
"141757664" 0 1 39 8.002025 1 23.759624 124.01942 .04188302 0 0
"141757664" 1 1 40 8.109526 1 30.315695 107.48226 .062660836 0 0
"141757664" 1 1 41 8.436634 1 49.28246 132.80641 .04483713 0 0
"141861779" 0 1 9 7.239215 1 12.139986 238.27136 .05672155 1 0
"141861779" 1 1 10 7.281386 1 11.12801 262.6373 .05208943 1 0
"141861779" 1 1 11 7.184629 1 15.824867 310.3707 .05425169 1 0
"141861779" 1 1 12 7.154615 1 16.795313 374.8805 .04832176 1 0
"14205184X" 0 1 37 6.74052 1 32.87234 166.3475 .05495472 0 0
"14205184X" 0 1 38 6.783325 1 30.17101 162.44847 .033493508 0 0
"14205184X" 0 1 39 6.725034 1 17.804321 308.3337 .04822585 0 0
"14205184X" 0 1 40 7.074117 1 21.46571 314.2489 .03837284 0 0
"14265267X" 0 1 9 6.035481 1 13.691387 100.10526 .04483283 0 0
"14265267X" 0 1 20 6.035481 1 13.45933 84.16268 .04560702 0 0
"14265267X" 0 1 21 6.040255 1 14.4 157.8 .05061963 0 0
"14265267X" 0 1 22 6.327937 1 15 125.91607 .04591282 0 0
"142713639" 0 1 47 6.001415 0 1.7326733 8.207921 .0020987277 0 0
"142713639" 0 1 48 5.347107 0 4.8 8.266666 .006615878 0 0
"142713639" 0 1 49 5.351858 0 9.952606 14.270143 .0021954628 0 0
"142713639" 0 1 50 5.393628 0 5.445455 4.609091 .002659843 0 0
"142911934" 1 1 13 9.64517 0 5.508254 227.87524 .04136386 0 0
"142911934" 1 1 14 9.243678 0 24.43834 250.61224 .024734966 0 0
"142911934" 1 1 15 10.103158 0 25.786486 195.8187 .032976575 0 0
"142911934" 1 1 16 9.785154 0 33.568665 265.19287 .025725856 0 0
"14439052X" 1 1 10 6.139884 0 16.596983 118.22845 .08257566 1 0
"14439052X" 1 1 11 6.276643 0 14.421053 112.8327 .04261963 1 0
"14439052X" 0 1 12 6.257668 0 16.91954 137.80843 .04728337 1 0
"14439052X" 0 1 13 6.013715 0 20.50122 160.73595 .06184947 1 0
"144562993" 0 1 18 5.420535 1 18.641592 76.33628 .03531447 0 0
"144562993" 0 1 9 5.056246 1 18.961784 93.57325 .04644434 0 0
"144562993" 0 1 10 5.231109 1 17.26738 105.09626 .04580554 0 0
"144562993" 0 1 11 5.393628 1 16.945454 84.21819 .11745346 0 0
"144749344" 0 1 9 6.591674 1 15.337448 49.0727 .03272671 0 0
"144749344" 0 1 10 4.875197 1 12.519084 35.954197 .014101406 0 0
"144749344" 0 1 11 5.209486 1 12.131147 28.91257 .020775774 0 0
"144749344" 0 1 12 5.308268 1 14.10891 44.36139 .02130048 0 0
"144786129" 0 1 9 4.85203 0 8.8671875 68.90625 .1597216 0 0
"144786129" 0 1 10 4.882802 0 9.659091 51.81818 .20079967 0 0
"144786129" 0 1 11 4.744932 0 11.13913 63.15652 .11753782 0 0
"144786129" 0 1 12 4.997212 0 11.95946 54.98649 .05340464 0 0
"145062173" 0 1 8 5.926926 1 9.856 23.32533 .0303933 0 0
"145062173" 0 1 9 6.011267 1 9.938725 35.262257 .024453586 0 0
"145062173" 0 1 10 5.860786 1 9.994302 38.4245 .02493421 0 0
"145062173" 0 1 11 5.81413 1 12.42388 39.81493 .016494665 0 0
"145505667" 0 1 5 6.190315 1 11.35246 17.704918 .036972344 0 0
"145505667" 0 1 6 6.357842 1 13.15078 23.35182 .02887508 0 0
"145505667" 0 1 7 6.522093 1 12.47353 19.84559 .03288082 0 0
"145505667" 0 1 8 6.637258 1 12.841415 17.372215 .024209574 0 0
"145908749" 0 1 10 7.812783 1 7.822815 167.82323 .0635374 1 0
"145908749" 0 1 11 7.511525 1 13.84855 238.66977 .08609236 1 0
"145908749" 0 1 12 7.470224 1 15.645584 238.89914 .02546298 1 0
"145908749" 0 1 13 7.489412 1 15.67356 219.1174 .016091535 1 0
That's all. and it is still running. Does this mean that I can't implement psm? Or I just need to keep waiting? I really need some help here! Anyone could give me suggestions? Thanks a lot !
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