Dear All,

I have a very large dataset (approx. 29,000 variables) which looks like this:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input long pid byte(istrtdatd91 lkmovy91) int doby91 byte(opfamn92 hsowr1493 hhch1294 hsowr2_bh95 opfamn96 tujbpl97)
10002251  9 -8 1899  .  .  .  .  .  .
10004491 10 -8 1963  1  .  .  .  .  .
10004521 10 -8 1965  3 -8  .  .  .  .
10007857 14  4 1933  3 -8  .  .  .  .
10014578 16 -8 1937  4  0  .  1  5  .
10014608 23 -8 1934  4  0  .  1  5  .
10016813 23 19 1955  5 -7  2  .  . -8
10016848 23 -7 1959  3 -7  2  .  . -8
10016872  .  .    .  .  .  .  .  .  .
10017933 13  1 1942  3  0  2  2  3 -8
10017968 14  8 1945  5  0  2  2  .  .
The variables are repeated across time in a range between 91 (1991) and 16 (2016), and pid is the identifier.

I would like to reshape the dataset to a long format. However, with such a huge number of variables it would take ages to input all the names manually. As a consequence, reading other Statalist topics, I tried these commands:

ds pid, not  
local stubs `r(varlist)'
 forvalues i = 91/16 {      
local stubs: subinstr local stubs "`i'" "", all
local stubs: list uniq stubs
reshape long `stubs', i(pid) j(year)
but I get the following error message:

characteristic contents too long
The maximum value of the contents is 67,784.

My goal was to polish the dataset after the reshape as it would be much easier. Do you have any suggestion?

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Kind regards

Giovanni Angioni