Hi, I am trying to estimate marginal effects after running a logistic model. The logistic model is fine but the post-estimation is giving me quite the headache. I am getting an error message saying that there is a conformability error. (I believe that means that there is a mismatch of the unit between my continuous income variable and the binary variable of trust.) I got this when running the following:

logit mammogramadherent i.race_r i.age i.education2 i.employment c.income i.family i.married i.citizenship i.obesity i.insurance i.
> provider i.safety i.trust i.placeofresidence i.produce i.racerxsafety i.racerxtrust i.racerxproduce

. mgen, at( income=(.5(5)60) trust=0) atmean stub(Some Trust) ///
> predlabel( Some Trust)
conformability error

So, trying to troubleshot and fix the conformability error, I recoded the income continuous variable to a binary variable, e.g. income2.

I then received the following error message:

. estimates restore blm
(results blm are active now)

. mgen, at( income2=(.5(5)60) trust=0) atmean stub(Some Trust) ///
> predlabel( Some Trust)
at values for factor income2 do not sum to 1

Can someone please help me fix this conformability issue?