Hi all,

I ran probit and margin with Stata 14.2 for six different years. I used the esttab command to have all the six years tabulated on one page.

My Question: How can I export the table of nested results to word document in a well arranged format?

Here are the commands I used;

probit emp_stat age agesq yrseduc lincome i.marstat i.popgroup Under5 Maleemployed i.province i.wave if year==1989, robust
eststo a :margin, dydx(*) predict (pr)
probit emp_stat age agesq yrseduc lincome i.marstat i.popgroup Under5 Maleemployed i.province i.wave if year==1993, robust
eststo b: margin, dydx(*) predict (pr)
probit emp_stat age agesq yrseduc lincome i.marstat i.popgroup Under5 Maleemployed i.province i.wave if year==1997, robust
eststo c: margin, dydx(*) predict (pr)
probit emp_stat age agesq yrseduc lincome i.marstat i.popgroup Under5 Maleemployed i.province i.wave if year==2001, robust
eststo d : margin, dydx(*) predict (pr)
probit emp_stat age agesq yrseduc lincome i.marstat i.popgroup Under5 Maleemployed i.province i.wave if year==2005, robust
eststo e : margin, dydx(*) predict (pr)
probit emp_stat age agesq yrseduc lincome i.marstat i.popgroup Under5 Maleemployed i.province i.wave if year==2009, robust
eststo f: margin, dydx(*) predict (pr)

esttab a b c d e f