I have a longitudinal dataset consisting of 10,051 observations nested within 413 subjects. I am using melogit to estimate a multilevel logistic regression model with random intercept and random slopes:
 melogit SI_6mos trait_par trait_fr state_par state_fr percent_anycomorbid age_centered female white both_parents_intake fx1_suic fx1_sud fx1_anx fx1_psych fx1_schiz fx1_cd fx1_adhd fx1_mania fx1_dep sestot_locf ||idbysite: state_par state_fr , or cov(unst)
My goal is use bootstrapping to generate a 95% confidence interval for the random effect coefficients [var(state_par), var(state_fr), cov(state_par, state_fr)]. Since the option to use vce(bootstrap) is not available with melogit, I am at a bit of a loss for how to do this. Any suggestions of resources or example code is greatly appreciated.