for my master's thesis I am running a panelanalysis.
I used the reshape-command to transform the data from wide to long format and than I xtset the data with fallnum and wave.
There are 5 waves for the years 1996, 2002, 2008, 2011 and 2014.
68% of the persons took part on the study only once. Because of that I am having a lot of gaps in my paneldata and I should solve the problem.
I tried to type in
tsfill and tsfill, full
Also I tried it with the following commands
gen x_n1=x[_n-1] gen x_n1= x[_n-1] if missing(x) gen x_n1=x[_n-1] if x>=.
Did I do anything wrong? Or is the number of gaps too large to fulfill them?
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards
Mimi La
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