I have the dataset shared further below. I need to: a) run several regressions whereby a continuous variable is projected on one or two sets of dummy variables and nothing else; b) extract the coefficients on the dummy variables from each of these regressions and; c) merge the extracted coefficients from each regression and add them as a variable to my original datase (i.e. the one on which I ran the regressions).

I thought I could do this by running statsby and then extracting and merging in the coefficients.

However, I am facing issues. So, if I run - reg curr ib2.geo_code, baselevels - I get the below results, which contains the dummy coefficients I am after for this model.


However, if I run statsby, the coefficients on each 'geo_code' variable come out as zero.

Perhaps I am missing something, likely related to the 'by(group)' option in statsby that is causing this.

Also, I am able to get what I want using the following code, with the caveat that the coefficient on the base group (i.e. PAC) should be zero and in this case is not (it's close, but not exactly zero). I feel there is a better and more accurate way to do what I am after.

qui reg curr ib2.geo_code, baselevels
local intercept=_b[_cons]

*Run regression 'by group'
*Below is by "region", but could also be by "region and ternary rural variable"
statsby _b[_cons], saving(tempreg.dta, replace) by(geo_code): reg curr ib2.geo_code, baselevels

merge m:1 geo_code using tempreg
drop _merge

gen coef=_stat_1-`intercept'
drop _stat_1

Any tips would be appreciated. Here is my dataset:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str3(geo iso) float urb_cl double urb float curr long geo_code
"FER" "CMR" .             47.836         . 1
"FER" "DEQ" 0 31.763999999999996 1401.7407 1
"FER" "LBR" .             51.807         . 1
"FER" "LBR" .             51.807         . 1
"FER" "SYC" .              46.28         . 1
"FER" "TGO" .             61.968         . 1
"FER" "TYE" 2             66.793  6300.079 1
"FER" "YTE" 2             39.472 4489.9014 1
"FER" "YTE" 2             39.472  22500.28 1
"FER" "YTE" .             39.472         . 1
"FER" "YTE" 2             39.472  3346.619 1
"PAC" "ASA" 2             82.892 1873.3757 2
"PAC" "ASA" 2             82.892 1252.2163 2
"PAC" "BGD" 2             68.775  3583.354 2
"PAC" "FJI" .             47.317         . 2
"PAC" "KHM" 2             79.337  7045.824 2
"PAC" "VNM" 2              68.92  1321.158 2
"PAC" "VNM" 2              68.92  4199.222 2
"YRP" "ASA" 0             11.305 4502.1187 3
"YRP" "ASA" .             11.305         . 3
"YRP" "ASA" 0             11.305  7127.425 3
"YRP" "KWW" .                  0         . 3
"YRP" "REQ" 0              1.391  8219.178 3
"YRP" "TRS" 2             66.793 2925.0366 3
label values urb_cl label_n
label def label_n 0 "low", modify
label def label_n 2 "high", modify
label values geo_code geo_code
label def geo_code 1 "FER", modify
label def geo_code 2 "PAC", modify
label def geo_code 3 "YRP", modify