Dear all,

I am trying to run a difference-in-difference fixed-effects model. The challenge here is that I have MULTIPLE periods and treatment did not take place in a particular year for all units. Whenever I use one of the commands below, the treated#post coefficient, which I am interested in, is omitted.

xtreg outcome i.year, fe vce(cluster unit)
xtreg outcome i.year, fe vce(cluster unit)

The only way to bring it back is to interact i.year with i.treated instead of with i.treated (see below).
xtreg outcome i.treated##i.year, fe vce(cluster unit)

But if I do so, I do not account for the exact year in which a unit is treated but rather that a unit is generally treated or not. I do not think this is acceptable.

The other alternative I could think of is to use diff-in-diff random effects instead of diff-in-diff fixed effects, as follows:
xtreg outcome, re vce(cluster unit)

But I think fixed effects better reflect my data.

Any advice will be highly appreciated, thanks in advance.

Best regards,